How to Create Github Account and Repository Step by Step

Today we will discuss you, how to create github account for a free personal account. Your free GitHub account gives you unlimited access to public and private software repositories and the ability to collaborate with up to 3 users. If you want advanced options, then you can upgrade to GitHub Pro, which gives you unrestricted access to all repositories with  unlimited collaborators, statistics, wikis, and many more.

How to Create Github Account and Repository Step by Step

How to Create Github Account and Repository Step by Step

Sign Up for Github Account

  • Go to to create a GitHub account and verify your email during the signup process.
  • You can upgrade to the Pro, Team, or Enterprise plan if needed.

Set Up GitHub Profile

  • After signing in, complete your profile by adding a profile picture, bio, and other details to make your profile more personalized.

Create Repository Github 

  • Click on the "+" icon in the top right corner of your dashboard, then select "New repository. After this, choose repo name and add a short description of your project.
  • You can also set your repository settings like this repo is private or public and can create README file by checking this box 'Initialize This Repository with a README'  , which is useful for documenting your project. 
  • Click the "Create repository" button.

Clone Using Git Bash

  • Open your terminal or Git Bash.
  • Run the following command, replacing <URL> with the URL you copied:
    git clone <URL>
  • Navigate to the Repository Directory
    cd <repository-name>
  • Place your project files in the repository directory on your local machine.
    git add 'file_name'
    git commit -m "message which you want to show on GitHub"

Push Changes to GitHub

  •  Use this command to push file on GitHub.
    git push -u origin 'branch_name'

Verify on GitHub

  • To verify, go back to GitHub and refresh your repository page. You should see your files uploaded.

Now, your GitHub account successfully created. You can login GitHub account easily by clicking here. We hope this article will helpful for you to create GitHub account and repository step by step. If you want to learn Odoo and regarding Linux, please visit our site.  Stay blessed!

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